Here's what Dead Eye Dick did and said this time:
Certainly the "further attacks" portion of his statement seems clear enough. That he felt it necessary to tell the soldiers this fundamental lie is even more frustrating. I expect a good number were thinking WTF yet I'm only writing for myself and certainly for nobody else. That Saddam was contained and the UN inspections were working and Iraq had zilch to do with 9-11 is a given to pretty much the balance of humanity outside of the true believers. But Dick doesn't care. He's Dick.Cheney, who spent the night at a sprawling U.S. base in the northern town of Balad, told soldiers they were defending future generations of Americans from a global terror threat.
"This long-term struggle became urgent on the morning of Sept. 11, 2001. That day we clearly saw that dangers can gather far from our own shores and find us right there at home," said Cheney, who was accompanied by his wife, Lynne, and their daughter, Elizabeth.
"So the United States made a decision: to hunt down the evil of terrorism and kill it where it grows, to hold the supporters of terror to account and to confront regimes that harbor terrorists and threaten the peace," Cheney said. "Understanding all the dangers of this new era, we have no intention of abandoning our friends or allowing this country of 170,000 square miles to become a staging area for further attacks against Americans."
From his "Energy Task Force" being made up of energy industry fatcats and then refusing to release the records of said group to the public to his Chief of Staff Scooter Libby leaking the name of a CIA agent to punish that agent's husband for exposing Bu$hCo's lies to dodging service in his generation's own war in Asia to shooting a man in the face to ... Dick Cheney has proven that he's without shame or decency. His record in Congress was one of extremism. His tenure at Halliburton and the like was one of questionable actions as well.
Deep breaths ... January can't get here too soon! John Gunn
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