The Sydney Morning Herald (reckon why they cover this across the pond and not here?) has a damning portion of Shenon's book provided that is titled They knew, but did nothing. Think Progress revealed some time back that Key 9/11 Commission Staffer Held Secret Meetings With Rove, Scaled Back Criticisms of White House yet again where's the coverage in and on the domestic corporate media? I've found Bob Hoover's work in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette way back in February yet that's about all I've located. On wait, here's a not too kind WaPo review of the Shenon's book by Michael Dobbs.
Condi's past academic work with Professor Zeliko is just a portion of the tangled web they've seemingly woven. That Zelikow actually authored the September 2002 National Security Strategy which is a foundation for the Bush doctrine of pre-emptive war is a blockbuster. Professor Zelikow is not without his defenders yet you'd think the 9-11 Commission would have deserved a leader that was beyond reproach. We know that Dubyah tried to avoid even having a 9-11 Commission yet if that couldn't occur then I guess they did the best they could to control the effort. John Gunn
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