Today's discovery across the river is Mary Grabar. Her blog is here. With I think a tip of the tam to Kos or ..., I stumbled upon this "scholar" via one of her Townhall columns titled Obama’s Presidency: Victory in the Culture Wars. OMG! I need to run over to Susan Jacoby's work on our nation's long history of anti-intellectualism and see if Dr. Grabar made the index.
That she's from Stone Mountain should surprise me not. Her Ph. D. From UGA is also noted. Dr. G has been noticed before, with both a negative and positive ( ... Conservative Christian Superstar via her "Letter to a Stupid Atheist" effort) view. Perhaps Dr. Grabar is just trying to make do, feel relevant, make a living, ... Still, she's engaging the whole of the blogosphere when she puts her ideas out there. I suggest taking them on with no holds barred. Little if any of what she suggests is correct. Sic em?
Yesterday I wrote on Georgia's Representative Lynn Westmoreland, one of few that could make Alabama's own Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III look sharp. I'd mentioned Marietta's Obama t-shirt controversy recently also. There was one on Newt Gingrich as well done within the last month. In April I covered Johnny Isakson's "meat of the coconut" approach to illegal hirings of undocumented brown people. Today I mention Saxby Chambliss and Dr. Grabar. It used to be for folks in Alabama that we'd rather often say "Thank God for Mississippi". Possibly we should look east rather than west? John Gunn
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