I love it when hard right GOP hacks are called on to explain what the Democratic Party represents. I do accept that Newt's Contract on America was a decent scam yet this goober represents so much of what is wrong with our politics. What Ben Evans wrotes was rather solid nevertheless. That he writes of Nixon's "Southern Strategy" speaks well of him. John GunnNewt Gingrich, the former Republican House speaker from Georgia who helped the GOP seize control of Congress in 1994, credited Democratic strategists for shifting their message.
The Democratic winners so far have addressed social issues head-on, boasting of their conservative positions on abortion, gay marriage and gun rights, for example, while hammering Republicans for misguided leadership on the economy and the war in Iraq.
"I think they learned that if they remained a hard-left, anti-gun, anti-prayer, pro-abortion, weak-on-defense party they were never going to have a chance to get back in the majority," Gingrich said.
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