Nearly 50 years in east Alabama, a surname going back to Vikings invading Scotland, and finally too much religious fundamentalism coupled to reactionary radicalism motivates me. I'll share (rarely as of late) my ideas on politics, learning, ... My clan supposedly uses "Peace ... or War!" Maybe those genes compel me to join issue? (Propservralism = PRogressivism + pOPulism + conSERVatism + libeRAL + pragmatISM) Respectfully, John Gunn
He also was critical of suggestions to not put oil into the nation's oil reserves this year. He said the reserve supply is what keeps America from being at the mercy of OPEC oil producers. "They know we'll use that oil (in the strategic oil reserve) to go over there and kick their tails," Westmoreland said.
He said that when America was being formed, leaders such as John Adams and Benjamin Franklin were "actually recruited by their neighbors" to serve in Congress. Although many of those early patriots would have preferred to stay at home, they served.
Westmoreland said he believes Americans would fight a foreign power that sought to destroy the country. "Our enemies right now are really within," he said. "If something does happen to this country, it will come from within, not the outside."
Westmoreland said that too often "how God has blessed America" has been forgotten. He said God has been "very merciful" toward the United States and that God needs to be "put back in" public life, not removed from it.
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