When your
G'ma turns down the sound when you are on the tube that's a good indication a person might be needing a "course correction". I thought the piece rather kind, but John
Mintz labeled his 2001
WaPo article on Barbara
Comstock One-Woman Wrecking Crew Targets Democratic Leaders : Meticulous Comstock Helps RNC Skewer the Opposition. He's the one that tells about poor
G'ma. I feel your pain as most of my family has also embraced the dark side.
After studying up and learning more about Ms.
Jane Hamsher of FDL needed a shower. I'm heading that way myself but the reason for looking toward today's
Outlander is that perhaps
Monica Goodling's "
mojo" comes
from Ms. Comstock rather than from Karl Rove. I figure these GOP operative types are pretty much joined together, sorta
like Scooter Libby's aspen roots. Peace ... or War!
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