Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Bu$hCo scolds Nancy Pelosi about Syria trip yet ..

Alabama's own Robert Aderholt and two other Republicans from the House, all three hardly ranking anywhere near the Speaker, were in Syria this weekend yet the White House seems to have little trouble with their efforts. Speaker Pelosi arrived in Beirut earlier today and will soon be on her way to Jordan and Syria. Bu$hCo is of course scolding Speaker Pelosi, forgetting not only Alabama's Bob but also their very one Assistant Secretary of State for Refugee Affairs Ellen Sauerbrey who was in Syria just last month. It's diplomacy Dubyah and your team is struggling. Israel seems to support Ms. Pelosi's visit, as do others. Hush, or at least tell the whole story.

As an aside, while out on the Left Coast, I nearly met Nancy Pelosi at an event at Delancey Street in the city yet only managed a polite handshake from her staffer that evening. It was hotter than three hells in the building and the night air in San Francisco was too nice to stay inside. I has the opportunity to talk briefly with Ms. Pelosi's daughter Christina when she dropped by to kick the tires at the campaign HQ. I for one am proud to have this "San Francisco liberal" where she is and have great hopes for her leadership.

As yet another aside from my time in California, I was once invited to briefly speak to a DFA event at Schroeder's German Restaurant. I got a decent laugh reminding them it was not every day that somebody from Alabama came to San Francisco to talk about Progressivism. Peace ... or War!

UPDATE - What Josh Marshall says.

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