He's never kissed Dubyah, at least to my knowledge, certainly not publicly
like Minnesota's Representative Michele Bachmann did. However, like her,
Bill Sali is (
or plans to soon be) part of
the GOP's campaign stunt up in DC that has been labeled "Drill, Drill, Drill" by loons like
Larry Kudlow. Via Daily Kos, mcjoan serves up
ID-01: Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel and it's her usual gem.
Some might want to send Sali to serve but I'd want
Walt! Like Miss Michele
he's apparently a Christianist nutjob but doesn't get nearly the timely coverage she earns from OneNewsNow. Donald Wildmon's
American Family Association didn't let him down completely however as
Idahoans concerned about Mexican consolate mentioned his efforts. I'm however sure some recent quotes would be appreciated by all of us, including
Walt Minnick. His
broad concerns seem a little more in line with Christian values to this heathen. I expect
these two "social values" motivated representatives from Alabama sent to write the Republican platform might vote for Bill but why would any not of their ilk even given him a second look? John Gunn
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