Actually I think I'm OK with the beagles.
I had one pictured with some cool shades when I took the Mobile Press-Register to task recently yet here we go again. I'm a big beagle fan so perhaps the breed will forgive me. And I bet most are good lefty types anyhow. The B'ham News opines
Alabama Gov. Bob Riley should lead the way in trying to figure out what happened to rape evidence in the capital murder case against Thomas Arthur. They writes:
Gov. Bob Riley never has been inclined to order DNA tests requested by inmates on Death Row. Their stories are never compelling enough, or the timing is wrong, or maybe the dog ate Riley's homework. There's always a reason to say no.
I've been reliably pleased with the B'ham News on their coverage of the Tommy Arthur saga.
Governor Riley certainly has some 'splaining to do yet they are asking him to "lead the way"? I'll not hold my breath. John Gunn
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