Given the many lies from the current administration on matters of great substance that have either been passed by or minimally covered I expect I'll be frustrated these next few days. Especially in the slow news days of August, I expect the Corporate Media will likely continue their focus on personalities and politics rather than policy. Unfortunately, it goes beyond "sex sells". Free Press can better explain what all is wrong than I.
EPI's A Plan to Revive the American Economy is brand new so I've not had time to dive into the specifics. Their Agenda for Shared Prosperity is a good start for reading and seeing that which they suggest. The Center for American Progress likewise has plenty to share. America's Middle Class Still Losing Ground is a recent example.
With an Obama win I hope their talent will be able to find a chance to put their policies into practice. Especially since Huggy will essentially keep the same types running the asylum I'd like to think the American public ought to be told of these policy proposals. John Gunn
UPDATE ~ If and when womanizing questions start coming for Barack Obama I'll hope they'll not forget Vicki Iseman's lobbying of St. John McCain. If it gets too partisan at least the lefty set has Newt Gingrich as an easy target.
UPDATE #2 ~ And while we're on the subject of lying why does John McCain continue lying? His latest "he'll raise taxes on regular folks" effort is just the tip of the iceberg.
UPDATE #3 ~ You'd think with Russia and Georgia locking horns (is Newsweek's Owen Matthews a farm boy like yours truly?) that might merit a little coverage in the Corporate Media. Thank goodness for PBS and Jim Lehrer! Context like this is what is often missing in nearly all of the mainstream sources.
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