While The Admiral and Mr. Andrews could have been brutal with these two armchair warriors given their past statements and actions, they were simply reasoned and firm. Timmeh did let them go at it rather than step in and save the two neo-cons. I'd have preferred that he play a little gotcha with the two conservatives on their past statements yet just going over the many time Perle has been wrong would have taken up several shows. Watching MTP made me proud of Joe Sestak and I was surely impressed by Tom Andrews as well. I wonder what Senator Susan Collins thought?
Tom DeLay has a new book (titled "No Retreat. No Surrender.") coming out and the Carl Hulse of the NYT gives a nice overview of the same in the San Francisco Chronicle. The HuffPo reference above claims the book has positive blurbs from Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity so that ought to tell you plenty about the Hammer's literary talents. It seems infighting in the GOP continues with this book. I also find it odd that DeLay retreated and surrendered when his Congressional seat was on the line.
I appreciate the above image with The Hammer in front of The Gipper. I recall reading something about Reagan being labeled an "amiable dunce". My Old Daddy labeled him some other ways I'll confess. DeLay's mean streak is undeniable and he's hardly the sharpest as well. Who would have thunk I'd have missed Reagan and even considered him somewhat of a gem one day. At least Bu$hCo and the modern GOP have won one for The Gipper. Peace ... or War!
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