Monday, March 12, 2007

"Six Flags Over Neoprene" Secures Upper Ocoee

If I'm ever back on the Ocoee and get run over by a raft, as I always seem to have occur, I'll be less able to complain since outfitters handling the tourists will have paid for the water. Actually, it has been almost eight years since I've been on the Ocoee and I've yet to paddle the Upper that this deal applies to. Slice and Dice left me with a nice scar over my right eye that last time! I'll still wear my Shred Ready helmet however as that one was surely my fault. Good story here that I'll never reduce to text. Not the ideal river for me even when younger as I'm hardly a playboater and don't care for sharing but she's close and reliable. Mixed feelings. Comments welcome, as always. Peace ... or War!

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