Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Outlander of the Day ~ "Pastor" Ted Haggard

I posted on Jesus Camp just the other evening yet watched one more time last night. Wow! I paid more attention to the cameo by Ted Haggard. A YouTube clip of this appears appears here. This former leader of the National Association of Evangelicals and pastor of a Colorado Springs megachurch (that has had to lay off 44 workers since the scandal broke) is likely known by many that are nearly as concerned about Christianist extremists as those from the fringes of Islamic radicalism. Here's some updated news from the Seattle Times of both Ted and Kids on Fire leader Becky Fischer. E-Bay is not allowing the table allegedly used to "massage" Ted to be sold via their site.

As a bonus, I was reminded of two of Mike Papantonio's books (on Atticus Finch and Clarence Darrow) on my bookshelves. They were acquired way back in the days when I was playing lawyer. I've followed his work somewhat but intend to once again crack these books. His Ring of Fire radio program is an effort I'll want to seek out as well. Counselor, here's a tip of the tam!

Good doc this Jesus Camp. Kudos for the effort. To reveal so clearly the hypocrisy of Ted Haggard is just gravy. Peace ... or War!

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