UPDATE - March, 14, 2007 - McClatchy seems to confirms what I thought was the common practice of new adminstrations cleaning house plus the idea that a second term doesn't yield a a dumping at this part of DOJ. That the Clenis bounced the whole lot of U.S. Attorneys after three GOP terms and that then Judiciary Chairman Specter admits his staffer Brett Tolman (Well done Dahlia Lithwick!) slipped in (with Specter's counsel Michael O'Neill blessing!) the end run provision surely isn't the best you've got John Gibson. It can't be all, can it? Then again your Fox Noise Channel fans (and especially the masters that feed you this trash!) don't really demand much do they? Cheer up John, at least Easter is coming. Defending the holidays from the Godless Liberals will be something you can handle.
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