I’ve figured Newt was back, and if Digby says so that’s certainly good company, yet to have him recently channel Jimmy Swaggart doing the “I’ve sinned against God” trick with my favorite Theocrat (and global warming apologist) James Dobson was confirmation. The Moral Majoritarian Jerry Falwell has now even invited Newt to speak at Liberty’s commencement this spring. We’ll expect GOP frontrunner Giuliani to defend Newt yet surely that has nothing to do with Rudy’s own wanderings. Nor has it any relation to Bu$hCo’s initially tapping Bernie Kerik for Homeland Security at the urgings of his patron Rudy. Of course, John “Straight Talk” McCain better not throw stones either. “High Infidelity” indeed!
Returning to Gingrich and Ciamarra, they offer a relatively pleasant and certainly lengthy analysis of what ails us. "It’s the smelly hippies!” never appears in fact. The trouble is the lack of English and appreciation of “American cultural values”, like that demonstrated by Newt in going after the Clenis while all the time running around on the then trading off his second wife for a younger model. Let’s look at portions of what these two gents shared:
Gosh darned if “American Exceptionalism” isn’t a favorite of the right? This coming during the most corrupt administration, at least since Grant’s, is amazing. I actually fear CREW’s Top Twenty Five not even the tip of the iceberg. The GOP Rubber Stamp Congress really pressed that “rule of law” emphasis didn’t it? Who would have thought John Ashcroft would be missed yet we seeing Bu$hCo’s personal lawyer now playing our lawyer make us nostalgic for the blue boobie drapes. I’ll agree it does go well beyond Abu Gonzales as per Aziz Huq.“What lies beneath the immigration controversy today is twofold.
First, the failure of large numbers of immigrants to assimilate into our culture is leading many to fear that we are experiencing the disintegration of American cultural values. American civilization is the most successful in all of human history for a reason. Our rule of law rests on the firm foundation of our cultural values, one of which is a common language.
If assimilation weakens, our foundation will weaken."
Specific citizenship reform measures for new legal immigrants should:
--Replace bilingual education with intensive English instruction to help new Americans assimilate into our civilization, thus preserving our culture.I thought we taught content? Isn’t the best way to teach content with one’s native tongue? I’ll pass on the links but vouch for a nice tasty blend that begins with delivering content in the best way for the child. Most will catch up soon on the English. Give most the resources, and this includes some talented staff and time to learn certainly, and they’ll be fine. The approach advocated by Gingrich and Ciamarra fails in many ways, as do many conservative ideas when examined factually.
--Return ballots to English language format, focus on English language literacy as a prerequisite of citizenship, and insist that dual citizens vote only in the United States and give up voting in their birth nation.I’d have thought it OK for “our” citizens to vote in another country is allowed under their laws. The right has killed and wounded thousands in their claimed yet clearly misguided efforts to bring our democratic values to Iraq and now they are against American citizens influencing foreign elections. Seems inconsistent to me.
--Rescind Executive Order 13166 requiring multilingualism in federal documents.EO 13166 doesn’t require “multilingualism” in federal documents. Seems like
good law to this lefty.
--Require an American history test written in English for any legal immigrant who wishes to become a citizen and meets all qualification criteria.I’d think one for voting or at least holding office might be nice given my experience with so many on the right not knowing the least bit of history. I also recall my last teaching gig having a recent immigrant and an exchange students consistently kicking butt compared to the vast majority of the Good Old Boys and Good Old Gals in my Government and World Geography classes!
--Focus federal funds on teaching American history and the principles of American civilization, and create specific programs to emphasize American heroes, including military heroes.Heroes? What about rogues? Let’s celebrate our militarism for certain!
This would develop practical skills necessary to actively participate in everyday American life and American productivity.How about high speed internet for the rural areas? Health care? Learning to think rather than take tests? Lower tuition? Let’s see how far these real solutions go in the GOP?
Human dignity? Like that which your Bu$hCo/GOP has shown at Gitmo and Abu Ghriab? Or for that matter at Walter Reed? Founding principals would include respect for habeas corpus wouldn’t it? Basic constitutional principals have truly been ignored by Bu$hCo and his Rubber Stamp Congress and other apologists. Yet you guys are worried about the immigrants? Revealing!As we work toward reforming immigration policies, especially citizenship reform measures, we must never lose sight of the self-evident truths affirmed at the founding of our great nation. We are all created equal -- citizen and non-citizen alike -- and we are all endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable rights, among them life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
For these truths to have meaning, we must recognize that every person has an inherent human dignity that must be respected. These truths morally bind us to create a workable immigration solution founded upon a system of patriotic integration with our language -- the English language -- as the common unifying element.
Bottom line for these guys … I hear some of what you are saying. Hardly the worst I’ve heard from either. I think much of the vibrancy of our nation flows from immigration and yet agree that the best approach for those coming here is to learn some English and certainly to understand our (this doesn’t go as narrow as perhaps it does for Newt and Michael) civics, history, culture, …
Given today’s GOP, and some of the Democratic Party as well, blended together as “The Party of Davos”, I’m still thinking we’ll all need to learn Mandarin anyhow. Peace … or War!
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