Mary Orndorff of the B'ham News reports Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions opposes expansion of global AIDS program. Among "a handful of conservative Republicans are still holding out" against a "proposal to expand the global fight against AIDS has broad bipartisan support in Congress and the blessing of the White House", Jeffy B. is showing a combination of fiscal conservatism and anti-immigration that might serve him well among certain constituents. His support of banning immigrants with AIDS coming in would likely be popular in those nations referenced in the post title as they are among thirteen countries with a similar ban. Sudan might be looking for a new President in fact Senator.
Although I appreciate the concerns over the health care costs of lifting the ban, which are estimated at $83 million from 2010 to 2018, I noted "the cost would be covered by an increase in the visa fee." The legislation also deals with tuberculosis and malaria in the developing world. One could imagine that it might be money well spent as merely a fiscal matter. Ass in some morality and I think it rather a simple decision.
Senator Sessions office actually declined comment on the amendment he proposed. C'mon Jeffy, let's hear your logic. John Gunn
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