Thursday, March 30, 2006


University of Tennessee Law Professor - Instapundit Glenn Reynolds, channeling a Hugh Hewitt (you're slumming Counselor!) "interview" with a legal immigrant, doesn't think it right to change the law after the crime. Almost European isn't it! Glenn wonders if "Laws are for Suckers?" on MSNBC. I don't think so either Instapundit! So when are you going to scold Bu$h (or have you scolded him yet?) for violating FISA Professor? I'd personally hold The President, even this moron, and his Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to a higher standard than poor folks from Mexico and other nations in Latin America and ... I also feel that way about businesses that hire these undocumented workers. We all know Bu$hCo is all about the business don't we? This dog won't hunt, not even up on Rocky Top! Peace ... or War!

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