Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Democrat's Real Security Trumps Bu$hCo Bluster!

The Democratic Party has released their "Real Security" propaganda.

I'll label it "propaganda" before some Bu$h "True Believer" does. It is just talk or words reduced to writing. And talk and words are cheap. Yet what have we been getting from Dubya and Dead Eye and Rummy and ... ? Remember Wolfowitz saying the oil would pay for the war? And Dead Eye's "last throes"? And Rummy going to war "with the army we have"? And ... ?

The Democrats, even those that voted for it before they voted against it as John Kerry inartfully phrased it, have not been in power. They've been frozen out by the Rubber Stamp Congress and this Bu$hCo cabal on any concern. This partisan version of the modern GOP has taken the level of DC politics to places I doubt anybody could recognize from even a few years back.

John Murtha and many serious military leaders know the Bu$hCo bunch has mismanaged this mess. Our ports still aren't secure! More information keeps coming like this most recent leaked memo. Kansas Senator Pat Roberts is still stalling on phase two of the Iraq intelligence investigation!

I was against invading Iraq. I thought patience and diplomacy seemed smart. I was however somewhat OK with giving Bu$h the initial green light because I though somebody in his administration had some sense. I also thought Colin Powell knew Diplomacy 101. When Secretary Powell was the loyal soldier that doomed us as I believe the rest of that cabal is essentially a group of Mayberry Machiavellis.

At least give the Democrats a look. They/I will have more to follow! Peace ... or War!

UPDATE - March 29, 2006 8:45ish PM Check this out. Harry Reid bitch slaps Karl Rove with
Recently, Karl Rove explained how Republicans approach homeland security as essentially a political issue. Unfortunately for Mr. Rove, the Republican record on security doesn't support his political rhetoric. Time and again, it's the Democratic Party that has proven to be the party that has learned the lessons of 9/11. Democrats' legislative priorities have been shaped by the recognition that the fundamental issue facing the country today is the need to bolster America's real security. Bush Republicans have displayed a dangerous incompetence. America can do better.

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