Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Alabama GOP values? And National Tactics!

I posted a long piece on Captain Bama regarding a paleo-conservative named Hugh McInnish from Huntville, Alabama. I received an e-mail of a fax that he'd forwarded to Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions on the immigration issues. McInnish has possibly served on the Alabama GOP Executive Committee yet I'm not certain if this is currently so. Some of language, and it is very nasty, he sent Jeff (note the first name relationship) is as follows:
I think it not an exaggeration to say that the fate of the country hangs in the balance. More, much more, is at issue here than wages, employment, the purported need for chicken-pluckers, and even short-term humanitarianism. I say it bluntly: cultures are not equal. The Mexican culture is as apart from our culture as the night is from the day. Any who would argue otherwise would only expose himself as a fool. To allow millions of these miscreants to remain here would move our culture toward theirs, and would ultimately produce the tragedy of bilingualism.

The full fax and my commentary appears at Captain Bama yet I noted how Gary Palmer of the Alabama Policy Institute regularly posts at McInnish's SuppressedNews.com. This Alabama Policy Institute is an arm of American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and is clearly corporate funded and oriented. To have Palmer working these Nativist while still funded via the business arm of the GOP might show one of the more effective ReThuglican Party tactics. Peace ... or War!

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