Sunday, March 12, 2006

Senator Russ Feingold Seeks Censure of Bu$h

Backbone and intelligence and reason and ... from Wisconsin! Feingold continues to impress me. Senator Russ Feingold announced this morning on ABC's "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" his plan to seek the censure of Bu$h for his violations of our laws and Constitution by engaging in the illegal spying of the NSA ... and Lord knows what else this cabal has been up to! The Senator's ideas, clear and correct ones that even Joe Sixpack can probably follow, justifying the Resolution may be read here. Bu$h violated the laws and he has lied repeatedly. The lie wasn't about fellatio this time folks! Blind Trust Bill followed Feingold on Stephanopoulos and once again convinced me that he has to be the dumbest doctor in the world. Frist diagnosed this censure idea as a "terrible, terrible signal" to enemies abroad. How dare anyone to question "Our Leader" by suggesting the rule of law applies. Let us hope most Democrats can stand with Feingold on his Resolution. Peace ... or War!
UPDATE 3-12-06 Tip of the tam to Glenn Greenwald for his comments on Feingold's courage and brains. I particularly appreciated this,
Of all the dishonest and corrupt steps taken by this Administration, the worst, in my view, is that they have flamboyantly masqueraded as defenders of America while they have simultaneously sought to dismantle every political attribute and core principle that has defined who we are as a country for the last 225 years.

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