Sunday, March 19, 2006

Disney & Pravda - Media Merger of Century?

The super smart and solid writing Glenn Greenwald gives us "The Death of Shame in our Pundit Class" on the third anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Nice summary of some of the gloating of the cheerleaders for Bu$hCo's hurried rush into an unnecessary and ill-concieved war. Yet this is what really nailed it for me. Glenn wrote,
Until you go back and actually read what was being said at the time, you don't really appreciate just how intense and deceitful was the propaganda and falsehoods spewing forth from every corner. People like Victor Davis Hanson and the Powerline buddies were not just wrong in what they were saying, although they were that. And it's not just that their judgment was severely flawed, although it was.Far worse than that is the fact that they really were living in a world that did not exist -- a fantasy world so plainly free of facts and reality that it is truly disturbing to recall that so much of the country was propagandized into believing it. Going back and reading it really creates the sensation of people who were living in a world that combines the worst elements of Disney World and Pravda. Our experts and pundits were literally describing a world that did not exist and making claims that could not have been any further removed from reality. Put simply, anyone who read them, listened to them or believed them at the time was completely misguided and misinformed about reality.

This ties nicely into some of the writing I've done today on the power of the consolidated media. A hybrid of Disney World and Pravda seems to be where we are these days. And I wish it were simply Post-Modernism rather than seeming to be designed by and for the Big Mules. Peace ... or War!

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