Monday, March 20, 2006

Al Gore 2.0

Ezra Klein, via the The American Prospect, gives us "The New, New Gore". This is a superb and detailed view into Al Gore's "transformation" since 2000. The way Gore goes after the media is great. I'm hopeful that Gore might step back in the fray for 2008. Mark Warner and Russ Feingold and Wesley Clark and John Edwards and ... we've got some decent prospects that might be alternatives to Hillary Clinton as far as electability with coattails. Even though I think we'll see at least a shot at Congress this year I'd sure like to see 2008 take us over the top. Now that we seem to be reacing a tipping point with Bu$hCo where Rovian hardball isn't working as well we could very well see this administration drag the GOP down with him. I've frankly grieved over and over that Al Gore is not my President. Anybody would have been better than Bu$h but compared to Mr. Gore the contrast is especially significant. I think America will take a long hard look at what should have been in 2000 after seeing the disaster Bu$h has been. Peace ... or War!

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