Sunday, March 26, 2006

Congress and Bu$hCo Ignore Constitution

Glenn Greewald gives us "Administration tells Congress (again) - We won't abide by your "laws" and Digby weaves some of his magic with "Outlaw Party". Georgia10 at Kos takes Congress, including the Democrats not resisting Bu$hCo, to task with "Endgame". The bottom line in that Checks and Balances means nothing to many in DC. That our Congressional leadership can't see the peril in their accepting Unitary Executive theory floors me. I posted yesterday on the fact that Bu$h used a signing statement to say he'd not follow the Patriot Act when it did not suit him. With The Department of Justice now saying the President will not give up whatever his inherent power might be despite what the law, even laws he signs, it is indeed time to rally against this Bu$hCo cabal. Glenn Greenwald says it best when he writes
Can that be any clearer for you - Congressmen, Senators, journalists? The President is bestowed by the Constitution with the unlimited and un-limitable power to do anything that he believes is necessary to "protect the nation." Thus, even if Congress passes laws which seek to limit that power in any way, and even if the President agrees to those restrictions and signs that bill into law, he still retains the power to violate it whenever he wants.
To think that Republican Lite Bill Clinton had to deal with continual questioning and analysis of his administration's every move (and even dating back to well before he came into power!) to now have Dubyah given a pass over and over amazes me. It can not just be 9-11 in that our checks and balances lasted through our history, recently facing off against facism and threats of the Cold War. Our Constitution works. Follow it! Peace ... and War!

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