Making Heinz's tax returns public would confirm that she's Kerry's sugar daddy (sugar mommy?). It would also strike a blow against Kerry's populist rhetoric by detailing the lavish lifestyle he and his wife enjoy: the vacation home in Nantucket, the ski chalet in Ketchum, Idaho, the estate outside Pittsburgh, the Georgetown manse. Not to mention the red-and-white Gulfstream jet. And the tax returns could embarrass the Kerry campaign further if it's revealed that Heinz has contributed to independent organizations working to unseat President Bush.The National Review had Donald Luskin doing pretty much the same thing. Media Matters tells us Wash. Post, WSJ editorial pages urged release of tax returns by Teresa Heinz Kerry, but have yet to call for Cindy McCain's. The GOP, or at least various tiers of their message machine, went after John Kerry on the issue so their die is cast I'd think. Still, they managed to paint Dubyah as a man of the people didn't they?
John McCain got on the "Straight Malt Express" when he married into the beer distributor fortune. But for Hensley money he might have never gotten even that first election win. The fact he shed his first wife Carol after having been a bit of a rake is also accepted. She's rich as Roosevelt! I think it good that Joe and Jill Sixpack might actually be able to learn these facts as I'm sure they'll use their regular "elitist of the left" angle if Barack Obama or at least his surrogates will not fight back against their foolishness.
Finally, I was pleased to see MSNBC/WaPo coverage titled McCain pushed land swap that benefits backer: 35,000 acres of Ariz. grassland traded for property ready for development that might reveal to more and more Americans that St. John the Maverick's label as a Straight Talker is more about perception than reality. I've posted on his cheeky behavior before plus there's his recent lies on health care plus his "purple cow letter" to the FCC and ... John Gunn
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