Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Outlander of the Day ~ FCC Chairman Kevin Martin

Could Kevin Martin look any more Republican? He and the other two from the GOP on the Federal Communications Commission outvoted the two Democrats "to allow broadcasters in the nation's 20 largest media markets to also own a newspaper". So much for just thinking he was there to follow the Bu$hCo line on "indecency". With he and the wife both part of the Bu$h-Cheney team I suppose what else could have been expected?

Free Press apparently expected more from Commissioner Martin given this press release. Their Stop Big Media effort provides additional insight into the issues at stake.

I like this quote from Democratic Commissioner Michael Copps:
In the final analysis, the real winners today are businesses that are in many cases quite healthy, and the real losers are going to be all of us who depend on the news media to learn what's happening in our communities and to keep an eye on local government.
It is wise to recall where and how Americans tend to get their news yet I'm more worried about three other factors. First, from the Reverend Moon (The Washington Times) to Rupert Murdock (Fox News Channel, The New York Post, and apparently the Wall Street Journal) to ... the right is willing to put money into media, even when this results in huge financial losses. Corporate control of media is bad enough yet add in the modern GOP and we've got troubles and then some. Second, the right has built an incredible network of "think tanks", foundations, institutions and the like that know how to get their message honed and then out. The wingnut welfare rolls are full of "academics" and "journalists" on the dole even as they preach on behalf of the market. The message discipline and framing done on the right is impressive even if both frightening and illogical. Finally, the third facet of my fear relates to how ignorant the average American is when it comes to policy and the like. I fear that if I only relied on one or two sources for getting my news I'd often be often left out on true understanding of much. Often I have to work to get a handle on an issue even now.

The bottom line is that having a diverse marketplace of ideas, even when obtained via regulations, is healthy in a democracy. I'm afraid the FCC's actions today are yet one more step in the wrong direction. Peace ... or War

UPDATE ~ July 13, 2008 - The original post has Commissioner Martin identified as Kevin Marks. Beats me why I goofed but perhaps I was in the Christmas eggnog. I noted this today when I found the NYT's Saul Hansell's F.C.C. Chief Would Bar Comcast From Imposing Web Restrictions. I read a puff piece on him recently that was straight PR that made me think it was part of getting him ready for a new job after the end of the Reign of Error. However he made this decision it is the right one. Good for him!

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