Saturday, December 15, 2007

Bu$hCo Seeks to Control JAG Promotions

The Boston Globe's Charlie Savage reports Control sought on military lawyers: Bush wants power over promotions. Bu$hCo, apparently troubled by the "independence of uniformed attorneys who have repeatedly raised objections to the White House's policies toward prisoners" has taken a typical assertive stance. Savage writes:
The administration has proposed a regulation requiring "coordination" with politically appointed Pentagon lawyers before any member of the Judge Advocate General corps - the military's 4,000-member uniformed legal force - can be promoted.
This administration knows no shame. Bu$hCo has people like the Pentagon's William "Jim" Haynes ready to control a promotion policy that ought to be removed 100% from politics. We've already seen how Mr. Haynes handled a retired JAG officer so one can only imagine how his type might handle folks still in uniform. Peace .. or War!

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