Friday, December 21, 2007

Ben "Cooter" Jones Supports John Edwards

This is a good twelve minutes long yet plays well. Growing up watching Ben Jones on the Dukes of Hazzard and then seeing him serve North Georgia in Congress makes it all the better. It's Ben not Bob Scott Lehigh of the Boston Globe. Damn Yankee!

Wallace and Bobbie Edwards, John's parent, plus Dave "Mudcat" Saunders, John's "Senior Advisor & Rural Liaison" also appear in the video. I'm not sure if the dust has settled with Saunders and Thomas F. Schaller, author of Whistling Past Dixie: How Democrats Can Win Without the South or Mudcat's disastrous start at Time's Swampland or ... but I'm still thinking he has plenty of wise things to offer both John Edwards and others in the Democratic Party. I surely enjoyed his and Steve Jarding's Foxes in the Henhouse: How the Republicans Stole the South and the Heartland and What the Democrats Must Do to Run 'em Out.

Show John Edwards some love if you are able. His ideas on Rural America are worth a visit while you are there. Peace ... or War!

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