Tuesday, June 27, 2006

David Sirota Asks and I'm Honored to Respond

I've blogged on David Sirota early on and have posted on Captain Bama as well regarding this young Progressive when he appeared on the pages of our Anniston Star. This fellow gives me hope that all is not lost.

I'm currently reading his "Hostile Takeover: How Big Money and Corruption Conquered Our Government--and How We Take It Back" and it is a gem! The level of work and thinking that went into this expose is impressive.

Today, David, via HuffPo plus his own sites, posts "6/27/06 - A Day That Will Go Down In Infamy" lamenting how Congress is wasting time with the flag burning amendment when real problems, his examples being literally life and death matters, need addressing. He asked that we pass the post along and I'm pleased to do so. Peace ... or War!

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