Thursday, June 01, 2006

Another Right Wing Lie? I'm shocked, shocked!

Nathan Newman via TPMcafe (happy 1st anniversary Josh and Kate and ...) serves up Welfare Does Not Breed Persistent Poverty that works off a piece in The Economist. Good read with some figures and analysis that makes sense to the lefty yet here's one portion:

Many US political leaders engage in happy talk that welfare reform was a success, but the documented reality is that both over the last few years and over the last few decades, the low level of US spending to help the poor has meant less opportunity for the children of the poor to attain the dream of a better life than the poor in Europe, where more welfare spending and fairer education systems gave them a chance to join the middle class.

A lot of rightwing propanda promoted the idea that somehow spending less to help poor people would make their lives better, but it was all a lie used to justify tax cuts for the wealthy and cuts in social programs.

Note the role of education! Tax cuts on the backs of the poor and working class! Again, the number one factor here in the good old USA as to where a person finally lands on the wealth-poverty continuum is where they start! Peace ... or War!

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