Sunday, February 12, 2006

Heck of a job Mikey!

The WaPo has gotten a preliminary look at a House report that lays the wood to Bu$hCo and especially Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff. Michael Chertoff was of course Bu$hCo's second choice so Our Leader can always blame the media or the Democrats or ... Counselor Chertoff was/is very connected to Rutting Rudy even if not perhaps as much as Bernard Kerik. Publishing Hottie Judith Regan and NYC Correction Officer Jeanette Pinero being juggled in a secret city owned apartment. Maybe this Bernie was the most qualified to handle a disaster? The thing is that Chertoff was approved for DHS Secretary unanimously, with the dastardly Democrats having forgiven him for his role in Whitewater and campaigning for Bob Dole in 1996 when he was either still on or shortly off the Government's dime. Voltaire tackles Mikey and his connections to the Federalist Society (like Chief Justice John Roberts and Stripsearch Sammy!) and ... It is interesting that some of the House GOP has actually been at least somewhat critical of Bu$hCo yet it might be that Mikey, like Brownie, can be the safety valve. Now that Brownie is now biting back we'll see if others start turning on Bu$hCo. Plenty more to go on this one! Peace ... or War!

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