Sunday, February 05, 2006

Bu$hCo - Like a Rock

As in dumb as a rock! Chevy slogan yet applying to Ford slashing jobs recently despite the fuel Bu$hCo and the ReThug Congress provided in the form of the American Jobs Creation Act, possibly one of the most improperly named pieces of legislation this cabal has created. Of course there is the Healthy Forest Initiative and ... Plaidsters should scope out George Lakoff at Rockridge Institute on his ideas on framing debates with language that is direct and authentic while it confronts ReThug agendas. Returning to my rant... Ignoring his own economic advisors, Bu$hCo signed off on the legislation allowing Big Mule Pharma and others to slip in overseas profits at a small rate of taxation. Ford took advantage of the law and still dropped thousands of jobs. Drop by Allan Sloan's Newsweek piece titled Tax Holiday : How the nonsensically named American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 allowed Ford to slash jobs while reaping huge job-creation tax benefits to get the full scoop. This is from the Department of WTF as best as I can tell. Good Grief what are they thinking in DC? Peace ... or War!

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