Sunday, February 05, 2006

Fight Another Day I Hope

In the New York Times, James Webb, former Secretary of the Navy Under Ronald Reagan, recently questioned Bu$hCo's tactics of attacking veterans like Jack Murtha, Max Cleland, John Kerry, John McCain, ... when the going gets tough, all the while using "support" the troops to lay down cover for the many mistakes of Rummy and Dick and ... James Webb also seemed to strike some middle ground in the run up to the 2004 election with recognition of the conundrum veterans faced in pulling the lever for either major candidate. Apparently deciding to pass on the Virginia Senate race against George Allen, one can hope he'll stay in the arena. In the meantime, head to Amazon for his book Born Fighting : How the Scots-Irish Shaped America.


Anonymous said...

James Webb is definately NOT OUT!!! He will make an announcement within the next week.

There's a storm comin', Captain Plaid. If/When James Webb stands up to fight for the Scots-Irish in Virginia, will you be there to stand with him?

Captain Plaid said...

Josh, I'll stand with James Webb, in the Senate race or otherwise. Peace ... or War!