I noted his merry band of advisors included Randy Scheunemann and James Woolsey yielding a tasty blend of neo-conservative and disaster capitalist. And don't foreget their PNAC connections. Add in William Kristol (and here's a good chance to plug BarbinMD's latest on this "serious, respected conservative intellectual") and things ought to be crystal clear.
While St. John was more than willing to double down on Iraq, I'm not sure most Americans are. What past election could you get an advance examination of such a critical part of a future administration? We've pretty much seen how this bunch operates these last seven years. Could anyone but the true believer nut jobs want more?
In a related vein, Hunter ponders McCain-Huck: You Got Your Christian Crusader Rhetoric In My Crazy-Ass Foreign Policy and asks "Can't we just distill that down to even more explicit support for unending "preemptive" military action, and explicit declarations of Jesus-based manifest destiny?" John Gunn
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