He's using the tried and true "you can't prove it" argument yet leaves out the fact that most other states, including most of our neighbors use the tougher standard. The B'ham News, hardly a foe of the powerful in this state, explains this and also points out that Big Coal and the Alabama Business Council are against the tougher standards. More coverage from The Montgomery Advertiser on the proposed changes might be helpful.
Gary's got a good gig so I'm sure he's eager to play his part yet consider API's funding and function. That Mr. Palmer closes with part of the solution being to "stop smoking" is odd in that I am pretty sure some of API's backers have been part of Big Tobacco's efforts to dodge and deny.
API is eager to make sure the science is certain on climate change and gun control laws and yet they'll accept and even shill the "research" of Dr. Kirk Johnson (of The Mackinac Center for Public Policy no less! ... or maybe he's back at Heritage after doing his time for Bu$hCo over in Iraq? ... No wait he's still doing his part!) on the reasons Alabama's prisons ought to be privatized. I reckon government and science become accepted if one or both can save (or better yet make!) money for Gary Palmer's providers?
That API postures to appear as worried about cancer truly offends me. They have no shame. John Gunn
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