I close most every post with "Peace ... or War!" My surname allegedly goes back to Highlander Scots from Viking stock that invaded Scotland and found it to their liking. My "clan" supposedly holds the above as their "motto". I'm not really sure if the motto is perfectly accurate but I've still found the line useful is processing my tendency to go at troubles when perhaps I should just avoid or at least delay. I am however certain that nations, and usually even individuals, should always seek to avoid war. More harm than good seems usually a given, especially in fighting the so called "Global War on Terror".
The above cartoon by Vince O'Farrel of Wallongong Australia spoke to me. Even Viking warriors can get over-scheduled. From the Sudan to many other places, I'm tired of the conflict. Too much killing and destruction for certain yet in the long run so much of what Bu$hCo has done is to create more hatred and extremism. Invading Iraq in the manner Dubyah and his neo-con handlers did will I think go down as the most consequential mistake of any American President.
I'll still end my post as I generally do but the "war" portion relates merely to how I hope to confront needless, and actually counter-productive violence, plus other injustices. Citizens have a duty to speak up and demand wise leadership from those elected to serve their government. Problems facing our nation and world go beyond war but starting with genuinely seeking peace seems foundational. Peace ... or War!
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