Tuesday, July 18, 2006

AG Reveals Bu$h Barriers to NSA Review by DOJ

Davis Stout of the NYT reports on Attorney General Alberto "Abu" Gonzales' testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee today. A Bu$hCo loyalist from his days as Bu$h's personal counsel back in Texas, Abu seems to dismiss (or at best grudgingly accept) the Supreme Court's concerns expressed in the recent Hamdin case. He also critizes the media for revealing stories that pretty much anyone in the know already knew.

However, the most shocking thing he reveals is that Bu$h personally blocked DOJ lawyers from investigating the NSA's illegal spying that undeniably violates the FISA laws.

The Decider in Chief apparently decided he'll stop even quasi-independent lawyers from examining the program. Imagine if this had happened from 1993 to late 2000!

After hearing this, surely Arlen Specter's legislation providing cover for Bu$hCo violating the FISA legislation ought to be dead in the water. Peace ... or War!

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