Thursday, July 27, 2006

Is "Dead Man Walking" in or out of "Devil's Game"?

Tom Paine gives Robert Dreyfuss space for his "Maliki: Dead Man Walking" that is worth a read in and of itself. I'd ran across some of Mr. Dreyfuss' work in the past but I'd missed his book. Looks like a solid offering. The questions I have relate to which direction Iraq's PM is moving. Maliki has been installed with the blessing of Bu$hCo yet I'm so uncertain of how this White House intends to engage Iraq and the larger Middle East that a guess is all I've got.

From a quick bounce around the book's site, one idea to offer is that historically these decisions that helped unleash Fundy Islam were surely made by relatively rational and well read people. They were often wrong maybe yet defensible. With Bu$hCo, the agenda seems to drive the reality. I'm so frustrated with our government not holding Bu$h to any responsibility, in Iraq or elsewhere, yet I suppose Karl Rove feels like this foolishness with Maliki will sell, at least in The Heartland. Peace ... or War!

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