Thursday, August 03, 2006

Norton Garfinkle - I Want His Book!

I want Norman Garfinkle's “The American Dream vs. the Gospel of Wealth: The Fight for a Productive Middle-Class Economy" Tip of the tam to Professor Eric Alterman for pointing me in that direction. Scroll down Doc's work and you'll begin to get a handle on the shift from demand-side to supply-side. As an unrecontructed Keynesian I've long been in the demand camp.

After the disaster of Reagan and especially Bu$hCo where "growth" is the only concern perhaps the supply siders will crawl off and die. And I think it will if the average American could ever get a handle on economics and policy. Joe Sixpack can I think understand Keynes far easier than "voodoo economics". Even if they can't they can at least accept the fairness of the policy for regular folks. Something has to give and the sooner the better. Peace ... or War!

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