Wow! Rove managed to hit nearly every fear and fantasty of the right in this one. Returning to Professor Alterman, their is no doubt that the MSM is now at a minimum letting the GOP slide with much BS in an effort to provide "balance". Some have caved for access to this cabal and cocktail wieners. Yet I'd argue that many are on board. Who owns? "Freedom of the press only applied to those that own a press." is the old saw. Go to Atrois/Duncan Black for more on the media from just the last few days blog surfing. Don't get me started on Clear Channel and country music propaganda and American Idol distracting and dumbing down regular Americans and ... Or the Swift Boat Liars when Bu$hCo whines about 527s or the massive infrastructure of the right churning out spin or worse yet what they try to pass off as policy. There's Big Fat Idiot and Surly Sean and ... to boot.On June 19th, it begins.
We're going to fight back against the far-left "527" committees that have been viciously attacking our values.
We'll counteract the "mainstream" media that have been force-feeding the American public with liberal propaganda.
We will expose the Democratic Party as nothing more than an angry group of left-wing demagogues with no ideas, no vision, and no principles.
And we are going to set the table for historic victories in the upcoming midterm elections. ...
We've been in Congress for a while now - and we thought we'd seen it all - but we've never had to deal with a Democratic Party that is this strident and committed to obstruction on a daily basis.
They really have no agenda whatsoever other than saying they are against everything you and I are trying to accomplish.
Unfortunately, they do have one thing: cash. And lots of it.
Those far-left "527" groups that came out of nowhere in 2004 are back, raising money at an incredible rate from the usual suspects - big labor bosses, Hollywood elitists, and billionaire foreign investor George Soros.
We're doing everything we can to fight back, but it won't be easy. A recent poll shows that Americans would prefer Democratic control of Congress by a margin of 49% to 36%.
While we've been working to confirm conservative judges, make President Bush's tax cuts permanent and give our military and intelligence agencies everything they need to win the War on Terror ...
...the Democrats and their allies have been busy raising money and attacking our leaders to bring down our approval ratings.
That's why we have an enormous challenge ahead of us. ...
That's why we need to fight back right now for our values.
There is no way we're going to allow this group of "do-nothing Democrats" and their allies in the liberal media to keep us on our heels all the way through the fall election.
NOW is the time for us to remind the American people why they've entrusted us with a majority in Congress.
NOW is the time to stick to our guns and stand up for our principles - cutting taxes, reducing the size and bureaucracy of the federal government, protecting private property, defending traditional values, and fighting the War on Terror with every tool in our arsenal.
And now is the time to support our President. ...
We all want to see you on June 19th, but we understand that not everyone can make this type of financial commitment.
So if for any reason you cannot make it to Washington for The 2006 President's Dinner, we want you with us in spirit as we honor your commitment to our Republican ideals.
In addition to being honored during our President's Dinner on June 19th, National Sponsors who send a contribution of $150 or more will receive a personal note from the President along with a limited-edition, matted photograph.
And Honorary Co-Chairmen will be sent the note and photograph along with a special collector's, limited-edition Presidential Plate for a contribution of at least $500.
So please take a moment right now to return your R.S.V.P. Reply Card, letting us know that you will attend The President's Dinner.
Or if you cannot be with us on June 19th, we hope we can count on you to serve as a National Sponsor or as an Honorary Co-Chairman.
There's an old saying that goes, "You can judge a man by the company he keeps."
That's why, when we see you take your place of honor on Monday, June 19th, we'll feel much better about the state of our Republican Party and where we are headed as a nation.
Great Americans like you are the backbone of our Party, and we need to come together for one night to kick off this crucial midterm election campaign...
They are poor mouthing? WTF! Big labor? Are they in a time warp? Hollywood elites? Can they not address the many intellectuals that know they are full of shit? Force feeding? Anybody with even halfway awareness of history/law/civics that is paying attention doesn't need to be force fed anything. Again, I'd submit that the media is these outlaws only hope because if you could ever get Joe and Jill Sixpack away from the boob tube they'd surely figure this fiasco out.
Obstruction I wish! Yet what party controls all three branches? Plus the Clenis was Republican Lite, although I'll give him that he was hemmed up for much of his last few years with the Congress and especially the aged Whitewater fantasy that eventually led to the lie on a blowjob. Strident? Only a few brave souls like Feingold and Conyers are calling these crooks out for their disasters in Iraq, lawbreaking, radicalism, cronyism, budget busting, lies, ... I'm surely hoping the leadership of this party has some wisdom in not fighting tooth and nail yet so far they've not shown much to this angry left blogger. Then again with no real power what can they do? And maybe if and when the GOP radicals are gone some civility will have been earned.
Company you keep? So will Black Jack Abramoff or Kenny Boy Lay (BushCo's #1 lifetime contibutor - Heard that from the leftist media?) or .... be attending?
Values? Money and power is all this bunch values! Yet they will stir up the base with fear and faith. It is an old method yet damned effective for these Chickenhawks and Bible Thumpers.
This damned fundraiser effort got my Scots up first thing this morning. Up with the sun and enjoying my coffee. Was headed to the garden before it got blazing hot but now I need the work to simply cool down. I'm aware that panic and participation is a fundraising staple yet they really have no shame do they? Worst administration ever! Conservatism gone wild these last twenty five years! Bastards! Peace ... or War!
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