Friday, May 19, 2006

NSA & Telco Deniabilty/Scapegoating for Hire

Paul Kiel and Justin Rood of TPM Muckraker delivers "Did Telcos Hire "Scapegoat" To Give NSA Phone Records?" which is a must read on the NSA phone call database concern. Citing a Business Week online work entitled "The Snooping Goes Beyond Phone Calls - How the government sidesteps the Privacy Act by purchasing commercial data" Muckraker is honed in on NeuStar with even a document collection provide of a recent PowerPoint they've used in trolling for business. Reading and writing on this post I am reminded how wonderfully powerful the internet may prove to be in a democracy. Yet, given the fact that communication in this medium is so traceable, the power might indeed be a threat that will be closely watched and controlled by the "powers that be" which might not want a better informed citizenry. Peace ... or War!

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