Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Snotty Scotty and the NSA

Thanks for the "RedHedd Up" via FDL on Glenn Greenwald. I initially though Big James Baker from Daddy Bush land had finally gotten his revenge on Shrub for being frozen out even after saving the day from the Florida fiasco of 2000. But this Mr. Baker seems to slam the door enough to where even a surly Scot (not this Scott as he's way beyond simply surly!) can get the warm fuzzies for just the name Baker. At least until I think about ... Do you think the MSM will even bother reporting? How will Faux News and Tweety and Timmie and ... explain this one? I bet they'll once again try to make this apparent broadsword into a wee skean dhuu. And then we'll (the truth, reality, or however you might label it!) get stabbed once again by the RNC machine. Can they keep fooling so many of the lowlanders in "Jesus Land"? Do these people not understand the King's English? Despite my Jacobite roots we learned the tongue and can even read it! (As an aside, do you think Ken would like to look under my kilt?) Maybe the educated electorate is outstanding in that particular field with "Our Leader"? Kool-Aid or ... How many more times will we/they let Bu$hCo lie? Peace ... or war! Hang in there Team Tartan!

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